Every time life is sailing along smoothly and then suddenly, or maybe not so suddenly in some cases, the same old routine starts bringing negative feelings and situations, it means something. It means that we have outgrown our current circumstances and it is time to on-board all we have learned and begin to seek a higher-vibrational experience.
However, when we do not see unrest for what it truely is, many will falter and fall into depression, anxiety, and worse of all, violence. When we fail to see and accept that a time of not only global change, but more importantly PERSONAL change is upon us, we run the risk of creating MORE unrest rather than growth and prosperity as intended.
Many who are faltering will lean on the foundations of understanding they have built around themselves, and fall even further into desperation and reactionary behavior. So much in our world has changed that our old ways of being and thinking have already been primarily exchanged for a more forward-thinking, futuristic expectation of future existence, which may or may not have been noticed by the persons effected.
Relying on old foundations of thoughts and behaviors will not be what saves us, individually and collectively, as we move into a future destined to change. It will be the natural growth of the human being as a spiritual entity which will enable a more harmonious and prosperous future for all. Once individuals begin to remember that our individual and collective destinies as spiritual beings living a worldly experience involve spiritual growth and understanding, they will also begin to remember that things which seem out of control are actually catalysts to a greater experience and higher-level spiritual awareness which positively effects each person and each situation we encounter.
There will come a time which a "light" will shine inside each person. This light will be the realization of following the wrong direction. This light will be the harbinger of change brought about by the conscience which was built upon old foundations of thought. A paradox really, as the old foundational thinking is not extinct or irrelevent as it holds much wisdom, it will be this which turns on the light of rememberance for many.
The rememberance will be of a spiritual nature, in alignment with the direction for which we must grow and stretch. It will allow new feelings, new thinking, and new understanding to enter the mind for application in the world. The rememberance will remind us of our spiritual responsibility to self and others, to build spiritual foundations which will support and bolster new advancements in a benificial way for all.
And above all, the rememberance will show us our power and strength as individuals, families and communities to stay focused on our responsibility of remaining open to the education that unrest and challanges bring about, to continue to direct our collective worldly experience with a spiritually-based foundation which continues to manifest higher-vibrational earthly experiences for each person, family, and community.
There are many, including myself, who have walked the path of spirituality and understand the importance and impact of what I write about here. There is always a balance of opportunity, although it seems hidden to many and many misunderstand greater spiritual understanding because they remain tied to their foundations.
Spirituality, to me, is a state of spiritual understanding that you achieve when you allow yourself to simply learn more than what you understand now. Simply seeking to learn beyond the standard print brings the awareness that spiritual understanding is a vast and fully-inclusive way of thinking which brings stronger faith, greater understanding, and ability to project this thinking into our current reality which is what secures our futures in a positive and prosperous future for everyone.
I quite literally understand, now, that God is far greater than we ever learned and that our requirement is to raise ourselves in understanding and practice to match the vibrational frequency of His Love to achieve full spiritual connection and worldly experience. WWJD has everything to do with it, as our Brother showed us over and over again what we, as family, are to do and become in order for us to be ONE with God, individually and collectively.
Just like there is expectation for growth as individuals, there is an expectation of growth as a collective, as produced from the individual growth. If individuals do not grow, the collective does not grow. If both are not growing, that's when unrest "appears" to nudge you into growth. Ignoring the nudge used to work, but we are past that now. Ignoring the nudge now is nothing more than signing up to the continuation of what you, we, are already experiencing, just in greater and greater magnitudes.
My one and only question is this: What are you manifesting RIGHT NOW?
Big Love -Quinn