So many times in life I have had a lack of confidence and/or self-esteem. Like many, outside influences or things that "happened" to me caused destabilization of my internal Self, and what I thought about my Self.
Each time we allow an outside influence to dictate our confidence or esteem about Self, we lose a bit of our Selves. Pieces and bits that break off from our higher-knowing Selves that fall into the abiss of negative and low-vibrational thoughts and feelings.
Without a stong foundational understanding about Self from the onset, we all fall victim of manifesting lower-vibrational situations and circumstances from the "pieces" which have fallen off into the abiss.
Manifestation is ALWAYS happening, and what we are thinking and feeling sends out our manifestation "boomerangs" which then return the same thought or feeling back to us in a similiar or different set of experiences and circumstances.
This "falling off into the abiss" that happens when we fall victim to judgement from others drags our personal energetic vibrations into a lower-vibrational spectrum and it begins to cause chaos in our lives. For many, this becomes a cyclical pattern of behavior that causes repetitive disruption in ones life, without even understanding what the heck is going on.
Luckily for us, Spiritual understanding of One's Self is always available to anyone who but seeks to understand a greater capacity of Self. Once rememberance of the truth about what our Creator says you are and what you are capable of is allowed to re-establish itself within you, then victimization and judgement mean nothing and no longer have an effect on you. When you KNOW who you ARE from a Spiritual perspective, then the greatest power of Self has been achieved, weakening the effect of all the traditionally sabotaging energies which we are inflicted with reguarly.
All this higher-vibrational understanding, thinking, emotion, and subsequent action cause cyclical experiences and circumstances of a higher-vibrational nature, the manifestation "boomerangs" returning to you. This establishes your strength, safety, and endurance in the world by simply deflecting the lower-vibrational energies as they cannot exist in the same space as your higher-vibrational frequencies.
So the next time you are faced with a circumstance or situation where negative judgement has been passed upon you and you are feeling guilty, shamful, anxious, or depressed just fall back on the TRUTH of YOU. Seek the internal higher-vibrational thoughts and feelings about Self, and take a bit of action in a purely positive direction which expresses your higher-vibrational Self. This will remind you, and everyone else, who you are, for the benefit of all.
A stronger YOU makes a stronger FAMILY. A stronger FAMILY makes a stronger COMMUNITY. A stronger COMMUNITY makes a stronger COLLECTIVE.
It's up to each of us, individually and collectively. Be an example to someone else. Stand strong. Be YOU.
Big Love. Quinn.